Left to right, Bill Atkinson, Phil Faulkner, Dave Harbin ... August rockfish at Pickwick.

Danny Henderson, while casting crankbaits for bass with MSHFN Joe Sills, got quite a surprise. Instead of bass #28, this 8 1/2 Channel Cat latched onto his lure, and the fight was on.

Dave Harbin and grandson Albie caught this nice Striper in August at Picwick.

David Repp, grandson of Dave Repp, with a nice Tennessee River largemouth.

Expert angler Griffin Price, of Atoka, TN, showed his family how to catch cats on an August trip to Enid.

Cordova, Tennessee's John Heard lifts at 52-pound blue catfish that he and Danny Coles, Moscow, Tennessee, caught on a jug line in late July. There were fishing the Mississippi River near, Tunica, Mississippi. The fish was 44 inches in length.

Jim Jacobs caught this nice rockfish at Pickwick in late August.

Congratulations to the "Reel Lady", Jane Brunner, on winning the Lunker Award at he August Couples Trail Tournament held on Lake Ferguson, August 2nd.

J.P. Sills, son of J.B. Sills, Spring Hill, Tennessee is in line to be another Sills Bass Man.

Mike Armstrong boated this huge Blue Cat while fishing with Capt. Ty Konkle of Scenic City Scenic City Charters of Chattanooga. Biologists estimated its weight at 107 pounds.

Jeremy Qualls, Hayden Qualls, and Chris Floyd "Hand Grabbled" this 91-pound yellow monster in the Hatchie River in early August. They caught, weighed, and released it. It was estimated to be at least 80 years old.

Retired THP Officer, Ronnie Belew, has given up chasing speeders to chase these old green fish. Nice one, Sir.