Digital Access

    Digital Access

    $1.99 / month

    • Available near the first of every month*, you’ll be able to virtually flip through the pages of Mid-South Hunting & Fishing News. You’ll see everything published in the only magazine that reports the hunting and fishing news across the entire Mid-South region.
    • You’ll be able to click on the MSHFN’s most important news and features. You’ll see them displayed on the homepage. Each column is mobile friendly and easy to read on any device.
    • As news develops between MSHFN deadlines, we’ll be adding stories… lots of them. When new items are added, you’ll get an e-mail notification, and you’ll also see the links on our social media pages.



    • Available near the first of every month*, you’ll be able to virtually flip through the pages of Mid-South Hunting & Fishing News. You’ll see everything published in the only magazine that reports the hunting and fishing news across the entire Mid-South region.
    • You’ll be able to click on the MSHFN’s most important news and features. You’ll see them displayed on the homepage. Each column is mobile friendly and easy to read on any device.
    • As news develops between MSHFN deadlines, we’ll be adding stories… lots of them. When new items are added, you’ll get an e-mail notification, and you’ll also see the links on our social media pages.
    • The monthly magazine mailed to your address is not included